Technical facilities such as data centers have become the world’s digital backbone, and millions of individuals and countless businesses rely on the data and other aspects of these facilities. Today’s fast-paced society expects the information stored in these facilities to be accessible any time of the day no matter the location of the user. Even the shortest downtime in a technical center can have substantial financial consequences.
Lumar Fire Protection Inc. provides highly efficient fire extinguishing options that protect people and your valuable investments. In most cases, we use automated gas fire extinguishing systems. Remember, these gases are inert, clean agents that won’t cause damage to your expensive equipment. Our technicians care about your technical centre’s efficiency as much as you.
Generally, eliminating or minimizing the risk of fire damage in these facilities is a priority for the facility owners. Lumar Fire Protection Inc. offers you a chance to reliably detect incipient fires as early as possible and instant activation of an appropriate fire response measure. These are the essential prerequisites in ensuring maximum technical system and other related services availability.
Our cutting edge fire safety technology coupled with a wealth of knowledge and many years of experience can help keep your technical facility off fires. This makes Lumar Fire Protection Inc., the most reputable company offering fire protection for technical facilities, sports facilities, entertainment arenas, learning institutions, and more.
Well, there are just a few areas where operations interruptions are as costly as in technical facilities. For example, the estimated financial loss associated with server downtimes is about $7,300 per minute. What’s more, fire outbreaks in a technical facility threatens the survival of the entire facility and also other organizations that rely on it. For efficient protection, your facility needs a comprehensive fire safety strategy and system to ensure employees safety, damage mitigation in the event of a fire, and most importantly, business continuity. Our comprehensive, custom fire systems designed by skilled and experienced technicians offer optimal fire protection and can significantly contribute to your technical facility’s availability around-the-clock and survival even in the event of a fire.
At Lumar Fire Protection Inc., we offer your facility a chance to detect fires as early as possible. Note that high power dissipation in server cabinets and other areas in a technical facility need considerable cooling and high airflow. We install efficient devices that are admirably suited to effectively detect incipient fires even in the most demanding application areas where timely fire detection is necessary, and business continuity is of utmost importance. Our technicians install smoke detectors from reputable manufacturers. These devices continually draw air from the space that requires fire protection and analyze it for smoke particles. Appropriately responding to incipient fires is essential, but it’s equally important to minimize fire damage to the delicate and costly pieces of equipment found in a technical centre. Thus, using the right fire extinguishing approach and tech that will result in no damage to computers and other items is essential.
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